The Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a unique mechanism of the United Nations which started in April 2008 and consists of reviewing the human rights situation of all UN Member States, once every four and a half years.States have to implement the recommendations they have accepted and voluntary pledges they have taken. During the UPR , the country is reviewed on the implementation of those recommendations and on the human rights situation since the previous review.
The UPR process involves various stakeholders including Civil Society Organisations who play an important part in monitoring the State’s implementation of UPR recommendations to ensure Government’s accountability and respect of human rights. The findings can serve as the basis for advocacy with the national Government, and may be developed as submissions to human rights mechanisms.

Legal protection to media practitioners
Like in many other countries, journalists and content creators in Rwanda need legal assistance. Our past records indicate a high number of journalists and media outlets that face legal actions but oftentimes cannot afford legal services. Under our strategic objective "Promotion and Protection of Human Rights", we offer journalists legal assistance including legal advice and representation in judicial and other administrative organs due to their specific vulnerability as frontline human rights defenders.

Capacity Building of the Media
We conduct various capacity-building sessions for journalists with the objective of having a media that is skilled in broadcasting and publishing legal information, equipped with basic knowledge of human rights, and reporting professionally on justice and human rights issues. We also train Journalists on legal frameworks governing their work to ensure that they do not collide with the law.